Pure Love: 22 Animals Just Bursting With Love

57 Post in this collection From Animals

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His best friend dies and we can feel his pain No wonder why man and dogs have emotional attachment

Shrub - neshasha There was a bunny at Lowes today eating all the flowers

Fish - Meet the Aligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) Happy living fossils <3

Green - bridge made for local crab population

Nose - Found the crab apple bandits

Amphibian - TIL during an annual toad migration in Germany, volunteers set up a "toad fence" along the sides of the road to protect the amphibians from getting run over. The animals are trapped in bucket and carried to the other side of the road each day. More than half a million are saved each year. u/to_the_tenth_power dw

Bird - Meet the Dracula parrot. Almost exclusively only eats 2-3 species of figs and 1 species of flower

Street dog - My goat bonded with my Brindle Boxer and would stand over her while she slept. The boxer would let the goat eat her dog food first, then spend the day together. u/varminthunter

Canidae - A friend of mine made friends with a fox and now she is visiting regularly... to pose for photos apparently u/sam12345567yu

Gopher - All pocket gophers are hoarders. Most of the food they gather and transport in their pockets gets stored in a deep location. When they are not mating, pocket gophers tend to be solitary and jealous of their food stores. When they are mating, gophers tend to share their tunnels and their food.

Terrestrial animal - 4GIFS

Wildlife - A rare melanistic Coyote u/mrbonelesspizza24 • 1h

Hare - A blond beach bunny 8 u/mustaf19_69 1d

Text - O The starry night harlequin frog, thought extinct for 30 years, was recently discovered in the rain forest mountains of Colombia. The frog gets its name from its white spots on black skin which the indigenous tribal people have associated with stars in the clear night sky. u/brombinary • 4h

Cat - Bobcat kitten still growing into its fur (photo by Shaun Wilsey) u/commonvanilla • 23h shaunwilsevnhoroaranhy com

Leaf - This plant looks like a group of humming birds u/_schlong_macchiato • 11h

Vertebrate - Rhona the baby wombat u/cakeiskate • 16h


Water - O Carol Grant Oceangrant.com