Big Data Registered in Infographics

1 week ago •

The Future or Big Data
What's Generating Data?
Big data is generated in a number of ways, including:
Moving around with your smariphone
Sensors in pet collars
Sensors in oceans
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In our connect. world, there's an increasing arnount of 'digital exhaust," data resulting from all kinds of activities. that's being creat. every moment. Take a I.k at how this data may impact us in the future:
internet browsing Sensors in soil

Why Is Big Data Important?
In March 2012. the White Hou. Office of Science and Technology Policy announc. that six U.S. government agencies would spend $200 million to help the government organize and analyze data.
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Government leaders
Health Corporate Education officials leader's specialists
Are interested to see if analyzing this data can help reveal:
Wmahyatt:uhyey Ed e How they might respond to ,fter, products, services and programs
How Is It UseFul?
It creates transparency that can 6 be used to efficiency.
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It creates innovative business models, products and services.
agreed with this scenario:
Big data are drawn together in ways that will improve social, political and economic intelligence.

A group was surveyed to find out which scenario they believed to be more likely for Big Data:
The Limitations
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Most of the data collect. now is consider. poorly organiz., which can make it difficult to analyze.
39% agreed with this scenario:
Big data could cause more problems than it solves between now and 2020.
"Open access to "Humans, rather than tools and data machines, will still be "transparency'. are the most capable of necessary for extracting insight and people to provide making judgements information checks using Big Data. and balances. Are Statistics can they enough?" still lie.''
h" lunmt ha en se inuds. t won't be able to keep up."
"By 2020, the use "User innovation "Big Data has the "The rich will of Big Data will improve our could lead the way with 'do-it-yourself potential for significant ,ative pproaftiat faronmd tBhi;g understanding of ourselves and the world.' analytics.'" impacts that may be impossible to avoid... poor will not."

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