1 week ago •
Dengue is an infectious fever caused by the bite of a female Aedes Aegypti mosquito. It causes a high fever, severe headache, and flu-like symptoms. The extreme form of dengue fever, also called dengue hemorrhagic fever, can cause severe bleeding, sudden drop in blood pressure, and sometimes death. Homeopathic medicine for Dengue fever treats the disorder by improving the person's immunity. Excel Pharma is among the leading manufacturers and suppliers of effective Homeopathic medicines for human and veterinary disorders. We provide E-Platocin Syrup (AKG-68), one of the best Homeopathic medicines to increase platelets and dengue fever. This medicine is a powerful combination of Tulsi, Giloy, Neem, and many medicinal herbs, which are helpful in many conditions, including viral infections. For additional details, read the full article here: https://otherarticles.com/health/wellness/225659-how-can-homeopathic-medicines-be-the-best-option-for-dengue-fever.html
#Homeopathicmedicinefordengue #HomeopathicMedicineForLowPlatelets #MedicineforDengue #Homeopathicmedicine