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You’d be surprised at how big of a difference something as simple as #quality #mineral #blush #natural in composition can make for your #face.
The secret is in the ingredients as much as in the application.

So, if you’re ready to make the jump and break up with #traditional #makeup, stick around to find out why it’s a good idea to start using #natural #eye makeup.

Opting for #natural #skin #care for #sensitive skin is vital for maintaining the delicate balance of your skin and avoiding unwanted discomfort. Natural skincare often contains ingredients derived from plants.

A #natural #lash #mascara is made of ingredients derived from nature, such as plant #extracts, #oils, and #waxes. These #organic components are skin-friendly and not irritating to the #eyes, prioritizing the health of your #lashes.

The most important product you should have in your #skincare set is a #natural #skin #serum designed to repair and treat skin at a cellular level while targeting specific skincare problems.

Being made of #natural and #organic ingredients means that the chosen #vegan #eye #shadow is perfect for #sensitive #skin and #eyes in particular. Vegan eye shadow contains no synthetic ingredients.

One of the greatest benefits of investing in #pigmented #natural #lipsticks is that they are suitable for those with sensitive #lips. Traditional lipsticks frequently include harsh chemicals.

As part of the carefully curated process that goes into creating a #natural #blush with stunning #pigmented shades, there’s a focus on using ingredients derived from nature.

#Mascara is essential. And, not just any kind of product, but one of the tried-and-tested #natural #mineral #vegan #mascaras, which are great for #voluminous #lashes as much as overall health, and the environment.

Another great form of #natural #tints for #lips is the mighty #mineral lips natural #makeup. As the name implies, this makeup is made from natural ingredients like oils and waxes but also from minerals.

You won’t have to worry about the chemicals and harmful ingredients that will irritate and damage your #face. The #gentle and skin-friendly #natural #acne #makeup will hydrate your face and show off your natural beauty.

Discover the secrets of a healthy beauty routine with natural cosmetics that will make you look and feel fabulous. Embrace the power of nature for radiant skin and a confident glow.
#NaturalBeauty #HealthySkin #naturalcosmetics #natural


Saviez vous que le piment de cayenne possède un taux élevé d'une substance appelée la CAPSAÏCINE ?

Cette substance antioxidante a un effet activateur du métabolisme et elle aiderait à brûler les graisses, en plus de favoriser la digestion.

Voici une boisson puissante pour activer le métabolisme dès le matin et que je vous reccomande avant un exercice physique d'endurance pour vous aider à consommer d'avantage de tissu graisseux.


- 1 cuillère de poudre de piment de Cayenne.
- Le jus d'un citron jaune.
- 1 verre d'eau tiède (250 ml).


Mélangez la poudre de piment de Cayenne, le jus d'un citron dans le verre d'eau tiède.

Bon courage et bonne séance de sport à tous ?

#Antioxidant #Energy #AntiCancerFood #SuperFood #NaturalFatBurner

1. Safran
2. Griffonia
3. Guarana
4. Rhodiol
5. Ginseng

Plantes aux vertues anti-anxiolytiques et anti-stress qui boustent le métabolisme et le moral. En complément avec du magnésium, elles peuvent faire l'objet d'une cure naturelle sous forme de compléments alimentaires sans effets secondaires. Elles vous permettront de lutter contre le stress, la fatigue et même d'optimiser vos performances sportives !
#NaturalEnergizer #AntiStressBenefits #AntiFatiguePlants #NaturalBoost #Rhodiol #Guarana #Ginseng #Griffonia #Safran #TreatYourself #EatClean #SmartDiet #DietTherapy #HealthyDiet #Healthyhabits #PowerfulAntioxydants #AntistressBenefits #DiabetesControl #AntiCancerProperties #FoodForExercice


Le piment de Cayenne possède un taux élevé d’une substance appelé la CAPSAICINE.

Cette substance a un effet activateur du métabolisme de base. En effet, il a été démontré qu’elle pouvait l’augmenter de 25% ... Cela signifie que notre corps, sous l’action du piment, brûle plus de calories qu’à l’ordinaire !

Comment l’utiliser ? C’est très simple, voici une boisson puissante pour activer le métabolisme dès le matin où à prendre 15 minutes avant le sport pour mieux consommer de la masse grasse :

- 1 cuillère de piment de Cayenne.
- Le jus d'un citron jaune.
- 1 verre d'eau chaude (250 ml).

#NaturalFatBurner #CayennePepper #HotPepper #Capsaicin #Capsaicine #BruleurDeGraisse #ActivateurDuMetabolisme #PimentDeCayenne???