Big data , Infographics : life style
19 Post in this collection From Big Data

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
What happens on the Internet in 60 seconds?
#Infographics #Big_Data

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
What’s Driving the Explosion of Government Data?
#Big_data #Infographics

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
Big data is that the big buzz nowadays and there are not any second thoughts thereon . Basically, big data is data that's generated in high volume, variety, and velocity. There are many other concepts, theories, and facts associated with big data and its popularity — which is what this text is about. I’ll start with a quick introduction to big data then take at check out its future.
#Infographics #big_Data

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
Top 5 Digital Transformation #Trends for 2018 ( #Infographic )

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
Changing Global Travel Trends From 2010 to 2020
#Infographics #big_data #trends

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
The data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone
Big data is projected to grow into
Average online 4 cart sizes increase 10%45% as a result of personalized advertising using customer 41 information obtained through big data
0 Percentage of all online traffic that was mobile video v 100 HOURS of video is uploaded go" to YouTube every minute
All of the world's digital data equals about 900 exabytes,

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
Big Data is data that is too large, g'grifigtVldtrart etrocraYpture, , store, manage and analyze. The right use of Big Data allows analysts to spot trends and gives aklhueeiraltlihnttswtiohnturceha,Zster than conventional methods.
The Volume, Variety and Velocity of the data coming in is what creates the challenge.

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
As more and more companies use 13Ig data to Influence their business decisions, the demand for skilled data analysts is seeing unprecedented growth—across all industries. Heresy snapshot of how big dea creates even bigger job opportunities.

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
What makes a data scientist?
The big data phenomenon trained a bright spotlight on those who perform deep information analysis and can combine quantitative and statistical modeling expertise with business acumen and a talent for finding hidden patterns. Here's a closer look.
Data scientists rely on analytics, predictive models, statistical analysis and modeling, data mining, sentiment and what-if analysis, and more to do their jobs. Cleansing raw data and building models is detailed work, and the right tools make the process much more efficient.
The IBM® Biglnsights TM Data Scientist module accelerates data science with advanced analytics to extract valuable insights from Hadoop. Stable machine learning algorithms are optimized for Hadoop. Text analytics extract insight from unstructured data with existing tooling so analytic applications don't have to be developed from scratch. Big IR statistical analysis and distributed frames allow data scientists to use the entire Hadoop cluster, not just a limited sample
Good data scientists select and address the business problems that have the most value to the organization. Armed with data and analytical results, they must present their informed conclusions and recommendations to technical and nontechnical stakeholders.
New in Biglnsights 4.0: Apache Spark 1.21 for dramatic performance improvements that leverage in-memory distributed computation.
Data that isn't accurate, secure and available isn't useful. Data scientists must be able to quickly and efficiently sort, structure, categorize and present data from internal and external sources, and they need to know the data is trustworthy so they can be confident in their findings and recommendations.
The Biglnsights Analyst module lets data scientists use their existing skills to find data across the organization and visualize it without extra coding. IBM BigSheets is a spreadsheet-style data manipulation and visualization tool that gives business users direct access to data through a recognizable interface. IBM-designed Big SQL offers HDFS caching and high availability benefits as well as query optimization —without forcing data scientists to learn a new skill set.
The IBM Biglnsights Enterprise Management module helps ensure the scalability, performance and security of Hadoop clusters. For example, multi-tenant scheduling and multi-instance support enhance scalability and performance by allowing multiple installs of Biglnsights on the same cluster with data isolation and resource sharing.

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
The amount of data companies collect keeps growing. They urgently need a strategy to make sense of it all
40 billion (2010)
250 billion (2013)
25% 98% (2000) (2015)
only 0.5% of big data is being analyzed (According to estimates by IDC)
21 billion Number of Internet-connected products expected by 2018
$31 billion (2013) $114 billion (2018)
2 days in 2015
All of history-2003
Smarter researchers aren't just collecting big data—they're viewing it as one tool in their toolbox, combining big data with customer engagement.
Netflix The company, with 50 million customers. collects passive data but also actively engages with them to identify *microgenres" of entertainment a content and serve them better. (lit? 4:47
Linkedln The company keeps its gb. customers happy by directly engaging with them, offering Ak tips and advice. This interaction w enriches the data LinkedIn collects on its users, and helps the company make a better product.
USAA The San Antonio-based insurance company mixes big data intelligence with direct customer engagement. which has improved the company's reputation for great • customer servic:dp
141% USAA"
To learn more about how customer engagement can help you find true value in Big Data. download the new e-book. Big Data and Beyond: How Companies Can Find Insight In Big Data

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
Taming the elephant
Easy to configure, easy to use
The information strategy - still in formation
No longer will big data be the bastion of scientists — enterprises will look for technology solutions that can be easily configured based on user preferences, provide rich visualization dashboards for executives, and accessed on smartphones and tablets
Big data-of the people, by the people, for the people
While enterprises will be Inundatascrwith a hybrid big data dump, the need of the hour is to turn this into a flexible, manageable information ecosystem
Cloud-based and open source tools will help democratize big data to take it out of the realm of expensive resources and high-computing infrastructure — giving even smaller companies the ability to leverage big data for business insights
All roads lead to instant insight
Enterprises cannot afford to wait around for big data to be processed at its own time — they will need near-real-time results that match the speed of traditional business intelligence
Internet of things, 06, ,;4 meet big data
We are fast approaching an era where every device from a car to a fridge to a Kindle is connected to the Internet —and with the rollout of IPv6, big data is only going to get bigger
Big data and social computing -a match made in ether
Retail soothsaying and market
Trawling and processing the social web for social network analysis and content analytics will require a new kind of processing power, one that capitalizes on newer social avatars of data
crystal ball gazing ga
A smarter healthcare economy
Retailers will use big data to analyze social media and match this data against customers lists, transactions, and loyalty club memberships, in addition to predicting consumer patterns, market trends, and competitor initiatives
From process healthcare data available in the public domain to genetic data processing, big data will help analyze vast amounts of information that have been overlooked because of disparate systems and inadequate analytics tools
Information is at large, and so is fraud — but financial services enterprises will use big data to monitor large volumes of transactions and activity logs to zero in on credit card fraud and account takeovers, while insurers will leverage it to check for fraudulent claims by tracking social data and behavior
Cracking down on fraud in financial services and insurance
Fault tolerance and detection in manufacturing
Binding operational data with IT data will help create a unified system that can track machine performance, which will be especially useful for high-tech and automotive enterprises

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
How big is In the last No decades, Internet speed and access has sharply increased across the globe causing an explosion in the amount of data being produced and collected. Top ,
In 2012, we created 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day.
00/ of t ah es owz ,1 dy : swdea rt Ea pwraosd cu rcei an tge ad ni dn tchae, tl au sr ti ntgw mo oy reea rdsa at alone. e ac each IIday than was seen by everyone since the beginning of time.
The text of all the books la the library of Cutlass would it In 2010. the world created enough digital data to fill a stack of comfortably on a stack of INOs the height el a single-story house. OM that would stretch from Earth to the moon...and bock.
:iller users send out i Gaaglerprolsses more than 277,000 I 2million Facebeek processes almost tweets 1 search queries V hours 1 " , of data of new video are uploaded to YouTube
EVERY MINUTE... 1111, WalmaFt musses almost Individuals and organizations launch 511 than 11,000 new websites10 0 million' Sprint processes more than transactions now mails am °aerated 250,000 phone calls

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
Investing in new IT infrastructure, ensuring data security and privacy, and utilizing data scientists can unlock the value buried In Big Data.
The size and arnount of health care data will increase from the equivalent of the contents of 10 billion our-drawer file cabinets, to the equivalent of 500 billio file

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
What is Big data #infographics
3, Data is made information
Big Data Is Only Getting Bigger
Million Terabytes
Companies are Spending Big on Big Data o-ze 0004 $ ,

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
BIG data Of Business heels ess Turnhingo
D AThesefindings are from the UK & Ireland results of the 2012 IBM andreal dwSoarlIdd use ofb i gS School data'. h study udeyy from give insight into how companies use big data, levels of engagement to the sources of information, for a better understanding of today's market.

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •
Created by SOLINK
HOW TO EXPLAIN BIG DATA TO YOUR GRANDMOTHER Albert Einstein once said "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." With this in mind, we challenged ourselves to explain the term 'Big Data' in a way that everyone, including our grandmothers, can understand.
A collection of data can be big, but a collection of Big Data is also uncategorized and not easily searchable. To structure and make sense of it, we need advanced systems and technologies.
It is estimated that over 90% of digital data is unstructured
Media Media and communication outlets (articles, podcasts, audio, video, email, blogs)
20 +Machine Data generated by computers and machines generally without human intervention (business process logs, sensors, phone calls)
Asa +Social Digital material created by social media (text, photos, videos, tweets)
Data about our environment (weather, traffic, census) and archived documents, forms or records
Everyday... Processed PETRBYTES by Facebook

Big Data Registered in Big data , Infographics : life style
2 weeks ago •