Save & share to let em' know where you get your protein?? TOP 20 VEGAN PROTEIN SOURCES per 100g!
?There is a protein source for all occasions and personally for me, dependent on my goals and total caloric intake for the day I will play around with many of these. For example...
?When I am consuming more fat on a day-to-day basis I might rely more on nuts and seeds. If I'm consuming more carbs I'll rely more heavily on legumes and whole grains. And for pretty much any occasion, I will rely on high protein, lower carb + fat sources like tofu, tempeh, seitan (most faux meats) and protein powder.
☝️While we are highlighting these top 20, I just want to take a moment and mention that all plants have protein. Every single one. Yep that broccoli or those strawberries you eat, they have protein. Yes in lesser amounts but don't you kid yourself, it's there...
?Hope you enjoyed this post and don't forget to follow @thatalexciccone for more vegan living!? - #regrann