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If you’re looking to improve your business operations and maximise profits, you can buy a barcode scanner machine.🤩 Read some of the benefits it provides and how each one of them can help your business thrive.💰
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Big Data Registered in Infographics
2 days ago •
Every day #technology makes new things possible, and some predict that it's just a matter of time until technology completely revolutionizes healthcare. Learn more:
u ure o ea care
Some believe that medical diagnoses, general patient care, and #medical practices are more expensive a. inferior than they need to be.
The Problem with HEALTHCARE
Healthcare is often the practice of medicine, rather than the science of medicine, as most medical decisions are based on:
gTradition gA doctor's limited medical knowledge gThe (pTotmiensta'snkdnown medical history.
doctors c°u'd diagTrc:„Pl=ritoirueseirueer.e"t 40,000+ patients die in the ICU in the U.S. each year due to misdiagnosis. 40
The solution? mr BIG DATA <
Some believe medicine can b.orne more of a science, rather than practice, by relying on technology.
Current Future smart technology devices
By combining the data from many current and future devices and technologies, healthcare providers can have a greater insight into medicine.
\ftThis technology could generate thousands of data points about a person's health, which could .d to faster and cheaper correct diagnoses.
As this field continues to progress, data capture and exploration will become increasingly accurate and comprehensive.
1/1# This will ultimately reduce costs, reduce physician workloads and improve patient
Technology may replace up to 80% OF WHAT
Many of a doctor's responsibilities, such as:
Testing Checkups Diagnosis Behavior Prescription Modification
CAN BE DONE BETTER by sensors (passive and active data collection) and analytics.
COMPUTERS are better than DOCTORS AT
INOrganizing and recalling data.
Integrating and balancing considerations of patient symptorns, history, demeanor, environmental factors, and population management guidelines.
Having much lower error rates.
9 % Medical assistants usin ACCURATE :
Here's a look at how we can use devices in our every day lives to generate big data:
A Patient cc'uld Thicsadprirrnwocredd thTehnesPeantcletrlitocs71365 use the AliveCor iPhone case to information than "auto-diagnos." take an ECG the typical ECG A ECGs to his doctor every day for a the doctor's office; for less than the year for less than it would also cost cost to have one $1 a test. less. done at the hospital.
Other Examples EWA
Technology like this may not only provide CellScope Eyenetra preventative care. Machine-learning This iPhone attachment is This mobile phone add-on allows software can also identify abnormalities us. to for the imaging of users to test for nearsightedness, and predict health issues. skin mol., rash. and more. farsightedn.s and astigmatism.
What Does the Future Have In Store?
As ideal . all of this sounds, technology hasn't made it possible quite yet.
Over tirne, more and more data can be gather. to identify patterns and physiological interactions.
Doctors will learn to incr.singly rely on technology and big data for triage, diagnosis a.
Consequently, doctors will beoome better at their jobs, health care costs will decrease, and patient care can improve.
Information provided by: http://www.insurancequotes.org/

1 day ago •
#Life without #technology and #social media, we are glad we live the best #childhood ♥️