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Easy Ways to Add Fruits & Veggies to Your Day

The 6 Basics

1. Half Your Plate. Fill half your plate with fruits and veggies at every meal and snack.

2. Add More. Add extra fruits and vegetables to dishes, even if they already contain/call for them in the recipe.

3. Substitute. Substitute fruits & veggies in any meal – they’re lower in calories than many other foods.

4. Stay Stocked. Always stock frozen and canned fruits & veggies for quick meal prep. Choose canned fruit and vegetables without added sugar, syrup, cream sauces, or other ingredients that will add calories.

5. Steam & Flavor. Steamed vegetables make great sides. Add flavor with low-calorie or low-fat dressings and herbs and spices.

6. Grab & Go. Always have fresh fruits and vegetables in easy-to-grab places (a fruit bowl, sliced in the fridge, trail mix)

#EatYourVeggies #Veggies #GetYourVitamins #VitaminsAndMinerals #Antioxidants #HealthCare #HealthyFood #FoodFullOfNutrients #ColorYourPlate #PlantBasedDiet ?????????