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54 people post about it.2 weeks ago •
Expert Care at MYo Lab Health & Wellness Premier Chiropractic Wellness Center
Experience unparalleled care at MYo Lab Health & Wellness, the premier chiropractic wellness center in Calgary. Our expert team, led by top spine doctors in Calgary, is dedicated to enhancing your health and wellness. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain or looking to maintain optimal spine health, our chiro wellness center offers personalized treatments tailored to your needs. Discover how our holistic approach can transform your well-being. Visit us at Calgary Wellness Center for exceptional chiropractic care. #ChiropracticWellnessCenter #ChiroWellnessCenter #SpineDoctorCalgary #CalgaryWellnessCenter #HealthAndWellness https://myolab.ca/
2 weeks ago •
Discover the secrets of a healthy beauty routine with natural cosmetics that will make you look and feel fabulous. Embrace the power of nature for radiant skin and a confident glow.
#NaturalBeauty #HealthySkin #naturalcosmetics #natural
Légumes et alimentation Registered in Nutritionnistes diététicienne
3 weeks ago •
1. Safran
2. Griffonia
3. Guarana
4. Rhodiol
5. Ginseng
Plantes aux vertues anti-anxiolytiques et anti-stress qui boustent le métabolisme et le moral. En complément avec du magnésium, elles peuvent faire l'objet d'une cure naturelle sous forme de compléments alimentaires sans effets secondaires. Elles vous permettront de lutter contre le stress, la fatigue et même d'optimiser vos performances sportives !
#NaturalEnergizer #AntiStressBenefits #AntiFatiguePlants #NaturalBoost #Rhodiol #Guarana #Ginseng #Griffonia #Safran #TreatYourself #EatClean #SmartDiet #DietTherapy #HealthyDiet #Healthyhabits #PowerfulAntioxydants #AntistressBenefits #DiabetesControl #AntiCancerProperties #FoodForExercice
Légumes et alimentation Registered in Nutritionnistes diététicienne
3 weeks ago •
? and ?
yes but what if trying new tastes with the same ingredients that we are used to eat ?
Here it’s a poched egg with GRILLED avocado, a spoon of teriyaki and sesam seeds !
#GrilledAvocado Is da bomb man ! ?
#5MinutesRecipe #PochedEgg #Brunch #HealthyRecipe #SesamSeeds #TryIt #YouWontRegret #EatColorful #MorningBreakfast #WayToStartTheDay #MorningRouts
Légumes et alimentation Registered in Nutritionnistes diététicienne
3 weeks ago •
Poke Bowl a refaire à la maison pour un déjeuner sain et équilibré: saumon, avocat, quinoa rouge, mangue, edamame, concombre et betterave râpée.
Pour la sauce :
15 ml (1 c. à soupe) d’ huile de sésame (non grillé)
(1 c. à soupe) de coriandre hachée
15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de sauce soya
15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de vinaigre de riz
15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de zestes de lime
#Salmon #Avocado #Edamame #Cucumber #Beetroot #Mango #Quinoa #HealthyRecipe #HealthyLunch
Légumes et alimentation Registered in Nutritionnistes diététicienne
3 weeks ago •
Easy Ways to Add Fruits & Veggies to Your Day
The 6 Basics
1. Half Your Plate. Fill half your plate with fruits and veggies at every meal and snack.
2. Add More. Add extra fruits and vegetables to dishes, even if they already contain/call for them in the recipe.
3. Substitute. Substitute fruits & veggies in any meal – they’re lower in calories than many other foods.
4. Stay Stocked. Always stock frozen and canned fruits & veggies for quick meal prep. Choose canned fruit and vegetables without added sugar, syrup, cream sauces, or other ingredients that will add calories.
5. Steam & Flavor. Steamed vegetables make great sides. Add flavor with low-calorie or low-fat dressings and herbs and spices.
6. Grab & Go. Always have fresh fruits and vegetables in easy-to-grab places (a fruit bowl, sliced in the fridge, trail mix)
#EatYourVeggies #Veggies #GetYourVitamins #VitaminsAndMinerals #Antioxidants #HealthCare #HealthyFood #FoodFullOfNutrients #ColorYourPlate #PlantBasedDiet ?????????
3 weeks ago •
Les collations prises habituellement vers 10h et 17h, sont des petits encas sains et un excellent moyen de réguler votre faim pour patienter jusqu’au prochain repas. Mais encore faut-il bien les choisir ! Ce sont les aliments riches en fibres qui permettront d’atteindre rapidement la sensation de satiété tout en vous procurant de l'énergie.
Une pause saine vous rassasie et évite les grignotages compulsifs qui dérèglent le système digestif et empâtent votre silhouette, c'est votre meilleur allié minceur ! Vous consommez quelques aliments clés, en quantité modérée, bénéfiques à l’organisme.
▶️Voici quelques idées pour des collations gourmandes et bonne pour la santé !⤵️
#alimentationsaine #alimentationequilibree #smoothiedetox #recettehealthy #programmeminceur #minciravecplaisir #detox #perdredupoids #naturalbeauty #naturopathe #healthysnacks #encas @zenndiet
3 weeks ago •
Saviez-vous qu’il existe un lien entre ce que nous mangeons et le fonctionnement du cerveau ? Fatigue, baisse d’énergie, de motivation et moral en berne…Retrouvez entrain et bonne humeur en adaptant le contenu de votre assiette. Y mettre les aliments qui boostent le moral peut vous sortir de ce mauvais pas.
#healthyfood #healthyeating #alimentationsaine #alimentationequilibree #nutrition #nutritioncoach #brainfood #moral #booster #energy #naturopathiecoaching #bienmanger #bienetre
Health and Fitness Registered in Be health : Healthy lifestyle
3 weeks ago •
One Regular Guy Writing about Food, Exercise
#Infographic #health #Lifestyle
Health and Fitness Registered in Be health : Healthy lifestyle
3 weeks ago •
Healthy Lifestyle Infographic Vitamin C In Fruits
#Infographic #health #Lifestyle
Health and Fitness Registered in Be health : Healthy lifestyle
3 weeks ago •
Healthy living and eating infographic
#Infographic #health #Lifestyle
Health and Fitness Registered in Be health : Healthy lifestyle
3 weeks ago •
Quick Facts about Sugar Infographic Healthy Lifestyle
#Infographic #health #Lifestyle
Health and Fitness Registered in Be health : Healthy lifestyle
3 weeks ago •
Kick Start your Child's Day with Healthy Breakfast ...
#Infographic #health #breakfast
Health and Fitness Registered in Be health : Healthy lifestyle
3 weeks ago •
You can help reduce your risk of heart condition , cancer, stroke and other serious diseases: Get the screening tests you would like . Maintain a healthy weight. Eat a spread of healthy foods, and limit calories and saturated fat. Be physically active.
#Healthy #Lifestyle #Infographic #Illustration
Health and Fitness Registered in Be health : Healthy lifestyle
3 weeks ago •
You can help reduce your risk of heart condition , cancer, stroke and other serious diseases: Get the screening tests you would like . Maintain a healthy weight. Eat a spread of healthy foods, and limit calories and saturated fat. Be physically active.
#Healthy #Lifestyle #Infographic #Illustration